Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, SEMINAR NASIONAL PGSD 2016

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Eka Setianingsih, Sri Lestariningsih, Sutrisno Sutrisno

Last modified: 2016-10-06



Kesuksesan mampu diraih oleh siapa saja, bukan hanya laki-laki atau perempuan, para orang tua yang katanya lebih berpengalaman, orang muda juga berkesempatan untuk sukses lebih dini. Guna menghadapi MEA, generasi muda perlu mempunyai jiwa entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship adalah jiwa kewirausahaan yang dibangun untuk menjembatani antara ilmu dengan kemampuan pasar.Untuk bersaing menghadapi MEA perlu diadakan pembelajaran yang mampu menumbuhkan jiwa entrepreneurship pada siswa sekolah dasar yaitu melalui model pembelajaran talking stick. Permasalahan yang dikaji adalah “Bagaimana penerapan model pembelajaran talking stick dalam menumbuhkan jiwa entrepreneurship ada siswa sekolah dasar ?”. Tujuan dari permasalahan tersebut yaitu menumbuhkan jiwa entrepreneurship pada siswa sekolah dasar melalui model pembelajaran talking stick. Berdasarkan hasil Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil analisis uji t (paired  samples t-test) didapat thitung (7,85) > ttabel (1,729) dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Model pembelajaran talking stick mampu menumbuhkan jiwa entrepreneurship pada siswa sekolah dasar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, model pembelajaran talking stick memberikan pengaruh positif pada siswa, sehingga model ini dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif guru untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar.

Kata kunci: entrepreneurship, model pembelajaran talking stick


Success can be achieved by anyone, not just male or female, the parents who he says are more experienced, young people also have a chance to succeed early. In order to face the MEA, young people need to have the entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurship is the entrepreneurial spirit that is built to bridge between the science with the ability of the market. To compete against the MEA should be a lesson that can foster the spirit of entrepreneurship in primary school students is through learning mode talking stickl. The problem studied is "How the application of learning models talking stick in fostering entrepreneurial spirit there is an elementary school student?".The purpose of the issue of growing spirit of entrepreneurship in primary school students through a learning model talking stick. Based on the research results based on the analysis of the t test (paired samples t-test) obtained thitung (7.85)> t table (1.729) can thus be concluded that the talking stick learning model able to foster the spirit of entrepreneurship in primary school students. Based on these results, learning models talking stick a positive influence on the students, so that these models can be used as an alternative teacher for teaching and learning activities.

Keywords : entrepreneurship , learning models talking stick

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