Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, LONTAR PYSICS FORUM 2017

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Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Fisika Materi Gerak Berbantuan Scrapbook Berbasis Budaya Masyarakat Dayak
Sunna Dimba Hernecca, Harto Nuroso, Siti Patonah

Last modified: 2017-09-27


The purpose of this study is to develop the teaching materials of physics about motion with the aids of scrapbook based on the Dayak culture. The problem of this study is how to develop the teaching materials of physics about motion with the aids of scrapbook based on Dayak culture. The benefits of this study to create an alternative way to support the learning process in the school, to increase students’ interest and understanding in physics materials, to inform and contribute in the improvement of physics learning in order to increase the quality of students’ education, and to compare the further research on the implementation of learning materials with the aids of scrapbook based on Dayak culture. To understand whether the learning materials is good or not in the learning process, the researcher had to do a suitability test of the product. This learning materials had been validated by an expert in learning materials, a high school physics teacher in Pangkalanbun, a tribal custom of Dayak Tomun, and 10 high school students in Pangkalanbun. Based on the analysis result by the learning materials expert, there is around 82.32% were obtained and categorized as “very good”, the analysis from the material experts were obtained around 93.58% and categorized as “very good”, the analysis from the cultural were obtained around 91.67% and categorized “very good”, meanwhile the students response were obtained the average conclusion that fall into the category of “very good”. The results showed that this developed teaching materials can be used as one of the learning media for physics study.

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