Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, LONTAR PYSICS FORUM 2017

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Pengembangan Modul Fisika Interaktif Berbasis Adobe Flash CS 06 Melalui Pendekatan Unity Of Sciences Materi Listrik Dinamis Untuk Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Atas Kelas XII
Ika Krisna Nandani, Wenty Dwi Yuniarti, Arsini Arsini

Last modified: 2017-09-27


This research has purpose to know the procedure of developing interactive module and producing adobe flash cs 6 based interactive module through unity of sciences approach on physics subject of dynamic electrical material. Knowing the responses by lecturers and teacher responses about the interactive module through the unity of sciences approach that made it feasible to be used as a self-learning source at the SMA / MA grade XII.The type of this research is RnD research with the development procedure of ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluate) with the flow that is: to conduct product analysis which will be developed starting by analyzing requirement in field, designing initial product to be made in APK form , Material gathering, module development is done by integrating science and Islam, making interactive module using adobe flash CS6, implementation is done by validating module. The evaluation is done by revising the product based on criticism and suggestion from the validator so that it becomes the final product that is suitable for use in the field.Quality of Interactive Physics Module Adobe Flash SC 6 Through Unity of Sciencess Approach according to the validator aspects of material substance get quality with good category (B). So also according to validator aspects of unity of sciences and media design validator get the quality of modules with good category (B). Percentage of eligibility for quality of module according to each of them is validator material substance aspect 69%, validity aspect unity of sciences 83,3%, and media design aspect validator 81,67%.

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