Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, semnas_2015

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Last modified: 2015-06-15


School development becomes a central theme in improving the quality of education. No exception SDN Cabak 01 constantly strive to achieve these goals by managing existing resources in schools with starting small by developing a school culture. This paper is intended to provide an overview of: (1) the development of the school through the star-SMALL strategies, and (2) the impact of the implementation of the program through the school development strategy of "start SMALL". It is best practice based on an implementation of managerial experience in SDN Cabak 01-Tlogowungu-Pati. Experience for 2 years and five months to implement school development programs through Strategy "start-SMALL" consists of: (1) internalization and development of school culture; (2) improving school performance by asah (learn), asih (love), asuh (educate); (3) the acquisition of compensation as in form of awards received by school community. The impact of the implementation of development programs through Star-SMALL schools are: (1) the occurrence of a change in attitude and behavior of students in developing a school culture; (2) increased of school achievement in development of student potencies and self-development of teachers; and (3) the acquisition is in the form of financial compensation and feelings of pleasure, proud, and comfortable being part the school. It is recommended that: (1) school principal have cooperation, familiarity and transparent form synergies; (2) the teachers are expected to perform asah (learn), asih (love), and asuh (educate) in doing the development of student potencies activities and self-developing teachers; and (3) dissemination strategy "Start- SMALL" to working group of school principals.

Keywords: start- SMALL, Schools Quality

Full Text: 341-349