Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, Seminar Nasional HIMA PGSD 2019

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Mira Azizah, Joko Sulianto, Mei Fita Asri Untari

Last modified: 2019-06-18


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui persentase keterserapan lulusan Progdi   PGSD   Universitas   PGRI   Semarang   (UPGRIS)   pada   dunia   kerja, kesesuaian ilmu dengan pekerjaan yang dijalani, kendala lulusan saat bekerja, penilaian stakeholder terhadap kinerja alumni dari segi integritas, keahlian, penggunaan teknologi informasi, komunikasi, kerjasama tim dan pengembangan diri, mendapatkan umpan balik guna menyempurnakan kurikulum di PGSD UPGRIS, mendapatkan  informasi  mengenai  kebutuhan alumni  di  dunia  kerja, mengetahui rata-rata gaji yang diperoleh alumni pada dunia kerja, dan mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan progdi PGSD untuk menyusun kurikulum yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lapangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner secara online oleh responden yaitu alumni S1 PGSD Universitas PGRI Semarang tahun 2012 - 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alumni S1 PGSD Universitas PGRI Semarang tersebar di berbagai instansi sekolah dasar swasta dan sekolah dasar negeri, baik menjadi guru PNS dan Non PNS, tentor bimbel, karyawan, maupun studi lajut pada jenjang S2. Rincian persentase keterserapan lulusan S1 PGSD UPGRIS sebanyak 12,64% belum bekerja dan 87,35 sudah bekerja. Rata-rata gaji yang diterima alumni sebagian besar masih di bawah Rp 1.500.000, yaitu sebesar

57,47% sedangkan 39,08% sudah memperoleh gaji lebih dari Rp 1.500.000,00. Sebesar 94,25% alumni menyatakan bahwa pendidikan yang mereka tempuh di PGSD UPGRIS relevan dan mendukung pekerjaan yang mereka tekuni sesuai. Berdasarkan data tersebut, maka kurikulum pendidikan di Progdi PGSD UPGRIS telah sesuai dan berguna bagi dunia kerja, namun perlu adanya perbaikan diantaranya meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana, menambah mata kuliah softskills dan praktik di lapangan.

Kata kunci: tracer study, profil lulusan, kurikulum


Abstract :


The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage absorption of PGSD Program graduates in employment, the suitability of education with their  work,  the  obstacles  faced  by  graduates  while  working,  stakeholder assessment   of   PGSD   graduates'   performance,   feedback   to   improve   the curriculum, gathering information about the needs of graduates of the PGSD Program about competence in the workforce, knowing the average salary earned by graduates of the PGSD Program in employment, and knowing the efforts made by the PGSD program to develop the curriculum according to the needs of the




workforce. This research is qualitative research. Data collection by filling out the online questionnaire by respondents. The results showed that graduates of the PGSD program at the University of PGRI Semarang had spread to various elementary and private schools of public school institutions, both as teachers of civil servants and not, tutors, employees, and S2 studies. Details of the percentage of absorption of graduates as much as 12.64% have not worked and 87.35 have worked. The average salary obtained by alumni is still under 1,500,000 rupiah, which is 57.47%, while 39.08% has received salaries of more than 1,500,000.00 rupiah. As many as 94.25% of alumni stated that education at PGSD UPGRIS is relevant and supports their work. Based on this data, the education curriculum in PGSD UPGRIS is useful for the workforce, but there needs to be improvements including improving facilities and infrastructure and increasing practice in the field.

Keywords: tracer study, graduate profile, curriculum


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