Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, SEMINAR NASIONAL FIP 2016

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Last modified: 2017-07-21


The background of this research because in learning science in schools where media studies are applied only in the form of media images that lack of attention to the media material presented. Most media tend to be unattractive, less motivating students, the lack of means of teaching aids provided by the school to be one trigger low interest student learning and teaching materials mostly only in the form of textbooks.
The problem in this research is how the application of the animated video about the structure of plants in science teaching fourth grade? Goals to be achieved in this study to determine the application of the animated video about the structure of plants in science teaching fourth grade.
Researchers used qualitative research methods with the aim to obtain a complete data and verifiable truth. The research subject Elementary School fourth grade students were taken Pegandon Kendal is a class IV totaling 30 students. This research data obtained from the test results, student questionnaire sheet, as well as information obtained from the fourth grade teacher State Pegandon Kendal.
Based on the results of research and discussion on the application of research media animated video about the structure of plants in science teaching fourth grade students of SD Negeri Pegandon Kendal average results obtained show that the student is able to receive the material well and able to work on the problems of evaluation. This is demonstrated by the average able to achieve the expected KKM is 65. This indicates that the material has been taught can be accepted by both students and the ability to work on the problems students are also good. It can be concluded that the application of media animated video about the plant structure appropriate to be applied as a medium of learning science is based on the average value of 75 students and a student questionnaire grades average 89% ..
Based on these results suggestions can be submitted by teachers increases knowledge about the media dgunakan in creative learning in developing the material in order to attract the attention of students. learning materials offset by the use of instructional media creative and interesting so that learning can be fun.

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