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Titik Tri Purwanti, Filia Prima Artharina

Last modified: 2018-09-07


Penyelenggaraan penguatan pendidikan karakter pada satuan pendidikan formal saat ini sangatlah diperlukan, hal ini dikarenakan anak diusia sekolah merupakan aset bangsa dalam mewujudkan bangsa yang berbudaya, memiliki semangat kebangsaan, peduli sosial dan cinta tanah air. Dari hasil observasi awal di kecamatan Rakit dapat dikatakan bahwa moral/akhlak siswa masih kurang hal ini ditandai dengan masih adanya aksi bolos sekolah, jarang melaksanakan sholat lima waktu, suka berbohong dan yang lainnya. Kondisi ini sangat memprihatinkan masyarakat khususnya generasi muda, sehingga untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut sekolah perlu mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter melalui praktik baik atau pembiasaan di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan pendidikan karakter di sekolah dasar di kecamatan Rakit Kabupaten Banjarnegara dan dampak dari penanaman nilai-nilai karakter pada siswa. Hasil dari penelitian menyatakan bahwa penerapan di tiga sekolah dasar di kecamatan Rakit yang dilakukan melalui praktik baik atau pembiasaan di sekolah sudah terlaksana, dan dampaknya yaitu pembiasaan yang biasa dilakukan di sekolah terbawa sampai ke rumah.

Kata Kunci: penerapan, pendidikan karakter, sekolah dasar


Abstract: Organizing the strengthen of character building in formal education unit is very important, because young generation especially students are the important part of the nation to realize good cultured country with the spirit of nationalism, social caring and love of the country. The results of preliminary observations in the sub-district Rakit is the lack the moral or attitude of students, it can be described by the low presence of students to attend the school day activities, lack of discipline to pray five times a day, sometimes the students also lie to others and also many other things. This condition is a big concern for the people, especially for the younger generation. In order to overcome these problems, The schools need to integrate the values ​​of character building through good practice or habituation in schools. This study aims to determine the implementation of character building in elementary schools in the sub-district of Rakit, and the impact of the inclusion of character values ​​on the students. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the three elementary schools in the Rakit sub-district through good practice or school practice has been done, and the impact is that those habits which are applied at school can be carried to their daily activity at home.

Keywords: implementation, character building, elementary school

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