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Annis Ika Mayawati, Septi Chusnul Chotimah, Muhammad Widyatmoko, Rasidi Rasidi

Last modified: 2018-09-04


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: 1) deskrkipsi faktor-faktor PropheticLeadership berbasis multiple intelligence. 2) mengetahui deskripsi Prophetic Leadershipberbasis multiple intelligence. 3) mengetahui faktor yang dominan Prophetic Leadershipberbasis Multiple Intelligence. Penelitian menggunakan desain kuantitatif dengan sifat exposfactodengan jenis analisis faktor. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru SDdi Kota Magelang berjumlah 1.300 guru Sampel penelitian ini adalah 100 responden. Tekniksampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling yaitu sekolah dan guru yang dipilihyang memiliki kriteria tertentu. Isntrumen: 1) Self assessment melalui FGD untukmerumuskan indikator variable bebas (faktor-faktor Prophetic Leadership) dan variableterikat (Prophetic Leadership berbasis Multiple Intelligence). 2) angket yang digunakanuntuk mengukur deskripsi masing-masing variable. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaituanalisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial (uji hipotesis) dengan terlebih dahulu dilakukan ujipersyaratan analisis (normalitas, multikolinieritas, heteroskkedastisitas, dan autokorelasi)kemudian menggunakan analisis dengan uji regresi dengan bantuan SPSS. Hasil penelitiandiperoleh 1) Deskripsi faktor yang mempengaruhi diperoleh total skor sebesar 7817kemudian dibandingkan dnegan skor maksimal sehingga diperoleh persentase 67%. 2)Deskripsi Prophetic Leadership berbasis Multiple Intelligence diperoleh total skor 3413kemudian dindingkan dengan skor maksimal diperoleh persentase 71%. 3) Faktor yangmempengaruhi secara langsung Prophetic Leadership berbasis Multiple intelligence adalahdari faktor psikologis adalah tanggung jawab pribadi dengan (nilai korelasi r 0,332 dansumbangan relatif 11%). Faktor psikologis yang tidak berpengaruh tidak langsung prestasi(nilai r: 0.001a sumbangan relatif 0%), kepuasan (nilai r: 0.118a sumbangan relatif 1,4%),kondisi kerja (nilai r: 0.155a sumbangan relatif 2,4%). Faktor situasional yang mempengaruhisecara langsung adalah gaji (r: 0.270a dan sumbangan relatif 7,3%) pengawasan (r: 0.177asumbangan relatif 3,1%), hubungan antar pribadi (r:0.199a sumbangan relatif 4,0%),kebijakan(r:0.308a sumbangan relatif 9,5%),keamanan kerja (r: 0.3283a sumbangan relatif 8%).Kata-kata kunci: faktor Prophetic Leadership, Multiple Intelligence

Kata-kata kunci: faktor Prophetic Leadership, Multiple Intelligence


Abstract :The purpose of this research is to know: 1) Descriptive of Prophetic Leadershipfactors based on multiple intelligence. 2) know the description of Prophetic Leadership basedon multiple intelligence. 3) to know the dominant factor of Prophetic Leadership based onMultiple Intelligence. The study used a quantitative design with expos-facto properties withthe type of factor analysis. The population of this study are principals and teachers ofelementary schools in the city of Magelang amounted to 1300 teachers The sample of thisstudy is 100 respondents. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling that is school andteacher selected which have certain criterion. Instruments: 1) Self assessment through FGDsto formulate independent variable indicators (Prophetic Leadership factors) and PropheticLeadership based Multiple Intelligence (Prophetic Leadership) variables. 2) Thequestionnaire used to measure the description of each variable. Data analysis in this researchis descriptive analysis and inferential analysis (hypothesis test) by firstly test requirementanalysis (normality, multicolinierity, heteroskkedastisitas, and autocorrelation) then useanalysis with regression test with SPSS aid. The results obtained 1) Description of the factorsthat affect the total obtained score of 7817 then compared with the maximum score so that thepercentage of 67%. 2) Description of Prophetic Leadership based on Multiple Intelligenceobtained total score 3413 then wallkan with maximum score obtained percentage of 71%. 3)Factors that directly affect Prophetic Leadership based on Multiple intelligence are frompsychological factors is personal responsibility with (correlation value r 0.332 and relativecontribution 11%). Psychological factors that have no direct effect on achievement (r value:0.001a relative donation 0%), satisfaction (r value: 0.118a relative contribution of 1.4%),working conditions (r value: 0.155a relative contribution 2.4%) . The situational factors thatdirectly affect the salary (r: 0.270a and the relative contribution of 7.3%) oversight (r: 0.177arelative contribution 3.1%), interpersonal relations (r: 0.199a relative contribution 4.0%) ,policy (r: 0.308a relative donation 9.5%), job security (r: 0.3283a relative donation 8%).Keywords: Prophetic Leadership factor, Multiple Intelligence


Keywords: Prophetic Leadership factor, Multiple Intelligence

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