Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, SEMINAR NASIONAL PGSD 2015

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Agus Wiyanto

Last modified: 2015-04-05


Salah satu hal yang terpenting dalam perkembangan siswa ialah perkembangan sikap sosialnya. Melalui pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan. Siswa akan mendapatkan kesempatan yang lebih tentang bagaimana siswa mampu mengimplementasikan bentuk-bentuk komunikasi, kerjasama serta berinteraksi dengan teman sebayanya. Keberhasilan pendidikan di sekolah bukan hanya ditentukan oleh usaha siswa secara individual atau berkat interaksi siswa dan guru dalam proses belajar mengajar (PBM) melainkan juga oleh interaksi siswa atau siswa dengan lingkungan sosialnya. Penjasorkes diharapkan dapat mendorong pertumbuhan fisik, perkembangan psikis, keterampilan motorik, pengetahuan dan penalaran, penghayatan nilai-nilai (sikap-mental-emosional-sportivitas-spiritual-sosial), serta pembiasaan hidup sehat yang bermuara untuk merangsang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kualitas fisik dan psikis yang seimbang sehingga melalui pembelajaran penjasorkes diharapkan terbentuk kepribadian siswa yang mantab.

Kata Kunci: Penanaman Sikap Sosial, Karakter Siswa Sekolah Dasar, Pembelajaran Penjasorkes


One thing that is important in the development of students is the development of social attitudes. Learning through physical education, sport and health. Students will have the opportunity more about how students are able to implement forms of communication, cooperation and interaction with peers. The success of education in schools is not only determined by the efforts of individual students or students and teachers thanks to the interaction in the learning process but also by the interaction of the student or students with their social environment. Physical education, sport and health is expected to drive the growth of physical, psychic development, motor skills, knowledge and reasoning, appreciation of the value-the value of (attitude-mental - emotional - sportsmanship-spiritual-social), as well as the conditioning of healthy living that leads to stimulate growth and development of physical and psychological quality of a balanced so that through learning penjasorkes expected that students mantab personality.

Keyword : Planting Social Attitude, Character Elementary School Students, Learning physical education, sports and health.

Full Text: 507-513