Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, SEMINAR NASIONAL PGSD 2015

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Dony Andrasmoro

Last modified: 2015-03-31


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah peran dosen melakukan transformasi keilmuan secara sosial ilmiah dan menciptakan suasana edukasi dilingkungan perguruan tinggi dengan mengedepankan wawasan global kepada mahasiswa. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan metode analisis diskriptif kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja di kampus IKIP PGRI Pontianak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan respon positif mahasiswa dengan peran motivasi tenaga pengajar dan peran fasilitas penunjang yaitu ketersediaan akses internet (wifi) di area kampus. Tolak ukur pemenuhan kebutuhan mahasiswa dilihat dari minimnya referensi buku perkuliahan, tingkat kesulitan mahasiswa terhadap referensi buku, efek yang ditimbulkan adalah keterlambatan mahasiswa dalam merespon perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan secara reflektif dan berpengaruh terhadap minimnya wawasan ilmiah perkuliahan. Peran internet dan integrasi model monokultural dan intercultural pada kalangan mahasiswa memberikan alternatif  menumbuhkan minat baca mahasiswa secara online dan secara tidak langsung mereka terorganisir untuk menciptakan pendidikan berbasis penguatan karakter dengan aspek suasana global education yang lebih humanis dan bereksplorasi kepekaan lingkungan budaya di Pergurun tinggi.


Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Berkarakter, Global education, Pengembangan Pembelajaran, Perguruan tinggi.


The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of lecturer in transforming science by social science and to create educational atmosphere in higher education environment by promoting global perspective to the students. The research approach used was analysis-descriptive qualitative method. The research location was chosen purposively at campus of IKIP PGRI Pontianak. The research finding showed that the students gave positive response toward the role of educators or lecturers as motivator and the role of facilities; internet access in campus area. The indicators of students’ need fulfillment were indicated by insufficient books as reference and the students’ difficulties in finding books as references. These cases result the students late in responding the development of science reflectively and it influences lack of knowledge in teaching and learning process. The role of internet and the integration of monoculture and intercultural model for students provide an alternative in promoting students’ interest in reading by online and it results the students to be organized in creating education with the basis of character building oriented toward global education which is more humanism and exploration toward understanding of environmental culture in higher education.

Key words : Character education, Global education, Learning development, Higher eduaction.

Full Text: 241-250