Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, SEMINAR NASIONAL PGSD 2015

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Last modified: 2015-03-31


Membentuk karakter siswa yang baik dapat dilakukan melalui pendidikan baik jalur informal, formal, maupun nonformal. Proses pendidikan sebagai upaya membentuk karakter siswa/anak dapat dilakukan secara individu, kelompok, maupun lembaga. Artinya, setiap warga negara secara individu juga bisa berperan aktif dalam proses pendidikan.Dengan demikian, proses pendidikan sebagai upaya mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional sebagaimana tercantum dalam Undang-Undang nomor 20 Tahun 2003 pasal 6 ayat 2 merupakan tanggung jawab bersama seluruh komponen bangsa. Sastrawan, sebagai warga negara dapat berperan dalam proses pendidikan melalui hasil karya yang diciptakan, termasuk di dalamnya novel. Dalam hal ini, sastrawan sebagai penulis novel dapat menyajikan nilai-nilai edukasi ke dalam hasil tulisannya. Salah satu karya sastra yang memiliki nilai-nilai edukasi adalah novel Laskar Pelangi karya Andrea Hirata. Nilai-nilai edukasi yang terdapat dalam novel tersebut berkaitan dengan pendidikan informal, formal, dan nonformal. Nilai edukasi yang terkait dengan pendidikan informal meliputi disiplin, taat beribadah, tanggung jawab, jujur, tenggang rasa, santun, dan percaya diri. Nilai edukasi dalam pendidikan formal yaitu disiplin, taat beribadah, tanggung jawab, kerja sama, demokratis, jujur, hidup rukun, tenggang rasa, santun, dan percaya diri. Nilai edukasi pada pendidikan nonformal meliputi disiplin, taat beribadah, tangung jawab, kerja sama, demokratis, jujur, hidup rukun, tenggang rasa, santun, dan percaya diri. Di samping nilai-nilai edukasi tersebut, terdapat pula nilai-nilai edukasi terkait aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor.


Kata kunci : Nilai Edukasi, Novel Laskar Pelangi, Pendidikan Dasar.


Establishing good student character can be done through education both informal channels, formal or informal. Education process as an attempt to form the character of the student / child can be done individually, in groups, or institutions. That is, each individual citizen can also play an active role in the educational process. Thus, the process of education as efforts to achieve national education goals as stated in Law No. 20 of 2003 article 6 paragraph 2 is a shared responsibility of all components. Poets, as citizens can play a role in the educational process through the works that were created, including the novel. In this case, the writer as a novelist can present values ​​education into his results. One of the literary works that have values ​​education is a novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata. Values ​​education contained in the novel deals with informal education, formal and informal. Educational value related to informal education includes discipline, pious, responsibility, honest, tolerant, polite, and confident. The value of education in the formal education that is disciplined, obedient worship, responsibility, cooperation, democratic, honest, living in harmony, tolerance, courtesy, and confident. Value education in non-formal education includes discipline, pious, responsibility, cooperation, democratic, honest, living in harmony, tolerance, courtesy, and confident. In addition to the educational values, there are also the values ​​of education-related aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

Keywords: Value Education, novel Laskar Pelangi, Elementary Education.

Full Text: 203-213