Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, SEMINAR NASIONAL PGSD 2015

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Efektivitas Implementasi Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan Guru
Nurkolis Nurkolis, Yovitha Yuliejantiningsih

Last modified: 2015-03-31


Guru adalah profesi penting yang dapat menentukan keberhasilan pendidikan. Guru yang profesional akandapat mewujudkan pendidikan yang berkualitas. Pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan guru adalah sebuah keniscayaan.Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan berbagai perangkat hukum dan peraturan guna meningkatkan profesionalisme guru.Maka penting dilakukan penelitian untuk menjawab masalah efektifitas implementasi PKB melalui: (a) efektivitas tugas dan tanggung jawab tingkatkabupaten, (b) efektivitas tugas dan tanggung jawab KKG/MGMP, dan (c) efektivitas tugas dan tanggung jawab sekolah.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (a) tugas dan tanggung jawab kabupaten belum efektif, (b) tugas dan tanggung jawab KKG/MGMP belum efektif, (c) tugas dan tanggung jawab sekolah belum efektif. Agar PKB bisa berjalan secara efektif maka perlu dilakukan: (a) masing-masing pihak dari berbagai tingkatan tersebut membuat perencanaan yang baik, (b) dilakukan pengukuran kebutuan pelatihan bagi para guru berdasarkan hasil uji kompetensi guru, dan (c) kegiatan-kegiatan PKB diarahkan pada tiga fokus yaitu pengembangan diri, publikasi ilmiah, dan karya inovatif.

Kata kunci: pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan, pengembangan diri, publikasi ilmiah, dan karya inovatif.



Teacher is an important profession that can determine the success of the education. Professional teachers will be able to achieve quality education. Therefore the continuous professional development for teachers is an inevitable. The government has issued numerous legal and regulatory in order to enhance the professionalism of teachers.This is important to do research to answer the issue in effectiveness of the implementation of the continuous professional development through: (a) the effectiveness of the task and the responsibility of district, (b) the effectiveness of the duties and responsibilities of KKG/MGMP, and (c) the effectiveness of the duties and responsibilities of the school.The results showed that: (a) the duties and responsibilities of district have not been effective, (b) the duties and responsibilities of KKG/MGMP have not been effective, (c) the duties and responsibilities of school have not been effective.In order for the continuous professional development could run effectively then needs to do: (a) each party from the many levels makes good planning, (b) do training need analisys besed on teacher competency test results directed at the three focuses: are self-development, scientific publications, and innovative work.


Keywords: continuous professional development, self-development, scientific publications, and innovative work

Full Text: 1-10