Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, SEMINAR HASIL-HASIL PENELITIAN 2015

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Pelayanan Konseling Berbasis IT dalam MEA
Tri Hartini

Last modified: 2016-01-21


Guidance and counseling as a process of providing assistance to individuals (counselee), can currently utilize IT was done in a manner that is growing but should not be separated from the principles and code of ethics of guidance and counseling. The purpose of the use of information technology in the process of guidance and counseling is as follows: Easy to use, Easy to manage, Simple, and Dynamic . The establishment of a single market which is termed the MEA will allow the country to sell goods and services easily into other countries across Southeast Asia so the competition will be intense . In berbasi counseling services in information technology in the face of the MEA, a counselor is expected to compete in providing services to counselees, by increasing the knowledge of information technology. Counseling profession who make innovations to the ministry in order to facilitate access to the counselee needs help wherever and whenever. Seeing the need for technology in the counseling process, the profession is the latest to make a design to develop services with the times. Changes to these services in the form of several media counseling, for example: Counseling use the help

of a computer, telephone, radio / television, and the Internet.


Keyword : Counseling services , information technology, MEA

Full Text: 225-241