Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, Seminar Nasional Menduniakan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

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Obyektivikasi Perempuan di bawah Kendali Patriarki pada Cerpen “Kering” Karya Wa Ode Wulan Ratna
Ervin Suryaningsih

Last modified: 2019-01-17


This study investigates the objectification of woman under patriarchal’s control in a short story entitled Kering (2006) written by Wa Ode Wulan Ratna. It employs feminist perspective in deciphering the relation of male and female characters: Zebe, Fras and Nara to reveal woman objectification under the auspice of patriarchal ideology. The method of study used to analyze data is descriptive analysis. The result of the study shows that patriarchy as social structure controls the relation between man and woman, and the weak role of woman facilitates the ongoing objectification of woman.

Keywords: patriarchy, objectification, character.

Full Text: 79-84