Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, SENATIK 2016

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Last modified: 2016-10-07



Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk menghitung dan mengetahui: (1) Tercapainya ketuntasan belajar siswa kelas VII; (2) Pengaruh karakter terhadap prestasi belajar siswa Kelas VII; (3) Pengaruh aktivitas terhadap prestasi belajar siswa Kelas VII; (4)  Pengaruh karakter dan aktivitas terhadap prestasi belajar siswa Kelas VII; (5) Pengaruh implementasi pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis karakter berbantuan CD materi teori himpunan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa  Kelas VII ; (6) Perbedaan rata-rata nilai prestasi belajar siswa  Kelas VII antara yang menggunakan implementasi pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan CD materi teori himpunan dengan rata-rata nilai prestasi belajar siswa  yang menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen. Populasi penelitian adalah semua siswa kelas VII SMPN 33 Semarang tahun pelajaran 2010/2011, dan sebagai sampel diambil dua kelas secara acak, satu kelas sebagai kelompok eksperimen  (diberi Pembelajaran teori himpunan berbasis karakter melalui pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan CD Pembelajaran), dan satu kelas yang lain sebagai kelompok kontrol (diberi pembelajaran konvensional). Variabel yang dikaji adalah aktivitas, nilai karakter dan Prestasi belajar. Data diperoleh melalui: (1) Pengamatan, dan (2) tes kemampuan kognitif (prestasi belajar). Data Prestasi penelitian dianalisis dengan  one sample T test, Independent sample T test dan analisis regresi.

Hasil Penelitian : (1) Prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen dan kontrol  telah mencapai  batas ketuntasan, (2) Prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen lebih baik dari kelas kontrol dengan masing-masing nilai rata-rata kelas  eksperimen sebesar 73,4167  dan kelas kontrol 63,83. (3) Aktivitas dan nilai karakter  berpengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa dan berkontribusi sebesar 66,9% sedangkan 33,1% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa Implementasi Pembelajaran Kontekstual Berbasis karakter berbantuan CD Materi Teori himpunan Siswa kelas VII. adalah efektif.


Kata Kunci : Keefektifan, Kontekstual, Berbasis Karakter, Teori himpunan.


Character education is essentially aimed at forming a formidable nation. Character education can be integrated through the learning of mathematics. In order to achieve the goal of learning mathematics teachers need to innovate and to choose appropriate learning approaches. One is the set of character-based learning through contextual learning CD-assisted class VII student learning, this study aimed (1) To determine the completeness learning learners. (2) To determine the average difference between grade learners experimental and control (3) To determine the effect of activity and character of the learning outcomes of students in a class set of materials VII by using a model of learning the set of character-based learning through contextual learning CD-assisted learning.

This study is a research experiment. The study population was all students in grade VII SMP 33 Semarang school year 2010/2011, and as a sample taken two classes at random, one class as the experimental group (given a set of character-based learning Learning through contextual learning CD-assisted learning), and one other class as a control group (given the expository teaching). The variables studied are the activities, character and learning outcomes. Data obtained through: (1) observation, and (2) tests of cognitive ability. Research data analyzed by one-sample T-test, Independent sample t test and regression analysis.

Research Findings: (1) classroom learning achievements experimental and control has reached the limit of completeness, (2) experimental class learning achievement is better than the control class with the class average of 73.4167 experimental and control classes 63.83. (3) Character Values ​​Activity and positive effect on student learning achievement of 66.9% while 33.1% are influenced by other variables. The conclusion of this study is that the set of character-based learning through contextual learning CD-assisted learning on set theory is effective.

Suggestions: `(1). Teachers must arrive on time and enthusiastic in teaching, to set an example and influence the morale of students, (2). Internalization of character education with more emphasis on the formation of behavior., (3). teachers can try to do the same or other learning innovations that can support the effectiveness of learning and improving learning outcomes, (4) We recommend that teachers take advantage of advances in technology as a learning resource, to help increase knowledge and broaden the horizon in an effort to improve student learning outcomes, (5) In order for character-based learning model and the values ​​of good character can be entrenched / work well, it takes parents who truly became a partner committed to the learning process of their children. Everyday life at home and in society should also receive attention in the context of character education, (6) Parents and teachers need to hold regular meetings to mendisuksikan the problems faced by students and create a plan to help solve those problems.

Keywords: Keywords: Effectiveness, Contextual Learning, set theory, based Character.

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