Seminar Universitas PGRI Semarang, LONTAR PYSICS FORUM 2017

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Studi Perbandingan Metode Reading, Presenting, and Questioning (RPQ) dan Experimenting Discussion (ED) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Fisika SMA Muhammadiyah Tegal pada Pokok Bahasan Suhu dan Kalor
Ollyvia Ika Prastiwi

Last modified: 2017-09-27


There are several active learning methods that developed until today. However, some active learning methods may not necessarily support physics learning. The aim of this study were (1) To determine theĀ  physics learning outcome with methods Reading, Presenting, and Questioning (RPQ) and methods of experimenting and Discussion (ED) of Muhammadiyah Tegal Senoir High School students (2) To analyze which method between Reading, Presenting, and Questioning (RPQ) with Experimenting and Discussion (ED) methods are more appropriate to improve the learning outcomes of Muhammadiyah Tegal Senior High School students.

The research method is quasi experimental research with pretest-posttestcontrol group design. The subjects were students of Muhammadiyah Tegal Senior High School and the sample being used are X A class (experimental group 1) and X B class (experimental group 2). Descriptive data analysis performed on the result of learning achievement test and CLASS questionnaire, whereas to determine whether there are differences in learning outcomes of the two groups of samples, as well as the interaction between learning models provided with the initial ability of students to the increase in physics learning outcomes one- Way ANOVA and post hoc were used.

Based on the analysis it is concluded that (1) the average posttest achievement of RPQ group lower than average posttest achievement ED group but not significantly different. The average pretest achievement of the RPQ group and the average post-RPQ group achievement experienced a significant increase. The average pretest achievement of the ED group and the average postest achievement of the ED group experienced a significant increase. The postest mean attitudes and beliefs of the RPQ group were lower than the mean of attitudes and beliefs of the ED group but did not differ significantly. The average attitudes and beliefs of the RPQ group pretest and the average post-RPQ attitude and beliefs experienced a significant increase. The mean attitudes and beliefs of pretest ED groups and mean attitudes and beliefs of postest ED group experienced a significant increase. (2) The group that was given treatments learning models with ED method has.yang better physics learning outcomes than class X A with RPQ learning method.

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